Dr Jasmin R. Pitre, chiropraticien, D.C. 525 est, rue Fleury
Montréal, H3L 1G6
(métro Sauvé / Henri-Bourassa)

News and Articles

See below the most important publications in our field as connected to our treatment care approach in regard to migraine and primary headaches.

  1. Alix ME, Bates DK.  A proposed etiology of cervicogenic headache: the neurophysiologic basis and anatomic relationship between the dura mater and the rectus posterior capitis minor muscle.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1999; 22: 534-39.
  2. Ashkenazi A, Young WB.  The effects of greater occipital nerve block and trigger point injection on brush allodynia and pain in migraine.  Headache. 2005; 45: 350-54.
  3. Astin JA, Ernst E.  The effectiveness of spinal manipulation for the treatment of headache disorders: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.  Cephalalgia.  2002; 22(8): 617-23.
  4. Bartsch T, Goadsby PJ.  Stimulation of the greater occipital nerve induces increased central excitability of dural afferent input.  Brain. 2002; 125: 1496-509.
  5. Bartsch T, Goadsby PJ.  The trigeminocervical complex and migraine: current concepts and synthesis.  Curr Pain Headache Rep.  2003; 7: 371-6.
  6. Bartsch T, Goadsby PJ.  Increased responses in trigeminocervical nociceptive neurons to cervical input after stimulation of the dura mater.  Brain.  2003; 126: 1801-13.
  7. Bartsch T.  Migraine and the neck: new insights from basic data.  Curr Pain Headache Rep.  2005; 9: 191-6.
  8. Bartsch T, Goadsby PJ.  Anatomy and physiology of pain referral patterns in primary and cervicogenic headache disorders.  Headache Curr.  2005; 2: 42-8.
  9. Blau JN, MacGregor EA.  Migraine and the neck.  Headache.  1994; 34: 88-90.
  10. Bogduk N.  Cervical causes of headache and dizziness. In: Greive GP, editor.  Modern manual therapy of the vertebral column.  2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1994.  p.317-31.
  11. Bogduk N.  The neck and headaches.  Neurol Clin.  2004; 22: 151-71.
  12. Boline PD, Kassak K, Bronfort G, & al.  Spinal manipulations vs Amitriptyline for the treatment of chronic tension-type headaches: a randomized clinical trial.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1995; 18: 148-54.
  13. Bouhassira D, Chitour D, Villanueva L, Le Bars D.  The spinal transmission of nociceptive information: modulation by the caudal medulla.  Neuroscience.  1995; 28: 113-125.
  14. Bove G and Nilsson N.  Spinal manipulation in the treatment of episodic tension-type headache.  J American Medical Association. 1998; 280(18): 1576-79.
  15. Bovim G, Berg R, Dale LG.  Cervicogenic headache: Anesthetic blockades of cervical nerves (C2-C5) and facet joint (C2-C3).  Pain. 1992; 49: 315-20.
  16. Bovin G, Sand T.  Cervicogenic headache, migraine without aura and tension-type headache.  Diagnostic blockage of greater occipital and supra orbital nerves.  Pain.  1992; 51: 43-8
  17. Bronfort G, Willem JJ, Assendelft, Evans R, Haas M, Bouter L.  Efficacy of spinal manipulation for chronic headache: a systematic review.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  2001; 24: 457-466.
  18. Davis C.  Chronic migraine and chiropractic rehabilitation: a case report.  J Chiropractic Med.  2003; 2: 55-59.
  19. De Lissvoy G, Lazarus SS.  The economic cost of migraine: present state of knowledge.  Neurology.  1994; 44(Suppl 4): S56-62.
  20. De Tommaso M, Guido M, Libro G, Sciruicchio V, Puca F.  The three responses of the blink reflex in adult and juvenile migraine.  Acta Neurol Belg.  2000; 100(2): 96-102.
  21. De Tommaso M, Murasecco D, Libro G, Guido M, Sciruicchio V, Specchio LM, Gallai V, Puca F.  Modulation of trigeminal reflex excitability in migraine: effects of attention and habituation on the blink reflex.  Int J Psychophysiol.  2002; 44: 239-249.
  22. Drummond PD.  Scalp tenderness and sensitivity to pain in migraine and tension headache.  Headache.  1987; 27: 45-50.
  23. Fernández-de-las-Peñas C, Cuadrado ML, Pareja JA.  Myofascial trigger points, neck mobility and forward head posture in unilateral migraine.  Cephalalgia.  2006; 26: 1061-1070.
  24. Fernández-de-las-Peñas C, Alonso Blanco C, Cuadrado ML, Pareja JA.  Forward head posture and neck mobility in chronic tension type headache: a blinded, controlled study.  Cephalalgia.  2006; 26: 314-9.
  25. Giamberardino MA, Tafuri E, Savini A, Fabrizio A, Affaitati G, Lerza R, Di Ianni L, Lapenna D, Mezzetti A.  Contribution of myofascial trigger points to migraine symptoms.  The Journal of pain.  2007; 11: 869-878.
  26. Giles L, Muller R.  Chronic spinal pain syndromes: a clinical pilot trial comparing acupuncture, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and spinal manipulation.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1999; 22: 376-381.
  27. Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society.  Classification and diagnostic criteria for headache disorders, cranial neuralgias and facial pain.  Cephalalgia.  2004; 24(suppl 1): 1-96.
  28. Jull GA.  Cervical headache: a review.  In: Greave GP, editor.  Modern manual therapy of the vertebral column.  2nd ed.  Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1994.  p.333-46.
  29. Jull GA.  The management of cervicogenic headache.  Manual Ther. 1997; 2: 182-90.
  30. Jull GP, Potter TH, Zito G, Niere K, Shirley D, Emberson J, Marschner I, Richardson C.  A randomized controlled trial of exercise and manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache.  Spine.  2002; 27: 1835-43.
  31. Katsarava Z, Giffin N, Diener HC, Kaube H.  Abnormal habituation of « nociceptive » blink reflex in migraine evidence for increased excitability of trigeminal nociception.  Cephalalgia. 2003; 23: 814-819.
  32. Kidd RF, Nelson R.  Musculoskeletal dysfunction of the neck in migraine and tension headache.  Headache.  1993; 33: 566-69.
  33. Leston JA. Migraine and tension-type headache are not separate disorders.   Cephalalgia.  1996; 16: 220-22.
  34. Malmgren R.  The central serotoninergic system.  Cephalalgia.  1990; 10: 199-204.
  35. Marcus DA.  Migraine and tension type headaches: the questionable validity of current classification systems.  Pain.  1992; 8: 28-36.
  36. Milanov I, Bogdanova D.  Trigemino-cervical reflex in patients with headache.  Cephalalgia.  2003; 1: 35-38.
  37. Milne E.  The mechanism and treatment of migraine and other disorders of cervical and postural dysfunction.  Cephalalgia. 1989; suppl: 381-82.
  38. Nelson CF.  The tension headache, migraine continuum: a hypothesis.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1994; 17: 157-67.
  39. Nelson CF, Bronfort G, Evans R, Boline P, Goldsmith C, Anderson AV. The efficacy of spinal manipulation, Amitriptyline and the combination of both therapies for the prophylaxis of migraine headache.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1998; 21: 511-519.
  40. Nilsson N.  A randomized clinical trial of the effect of spinal manipulations for the treatment of cervicogenic headache.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1995; 18: 435-40.
  41. Nilson N, Wulff CH, Hartvigsen J.  Lasting changes in passive cervical range of motion following spinal manipulation – a randomized blinded controlled trial.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1996; 19: 165-68.
  42. Nilsson N, Christensen HW, Hartvigsen J.  The effect of spinal manipulation in the treatment of cervicogenic headache.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1997; 20: 326-30.
  43. Ogince M, Hall T, Robinson K, Blackmore AM.  The diagnostic validity of the cervical flexion-rotation test in C1/2 – related cervicogenic headache.  Manual Therapy.  2007; 12: 256-62.
  44. Parker GB, Tupling H, Pryor DS.  A controlled trial of cervical manipulation for migraine.  Aust N-Z J Med.  1978; 8: 585-93.
  45. Piovesan EJ, Kowacs PA, Tatsui CE, Lange MC, Ribas LC, Werneck LC.  Referred pain after painful stimulation of the greater occipital nerve in humans: evidence of convergence of cervical afferences on trigeminal nuclei.  Cephalalgia.  2001; 21: 107-9.
  46. Pollmann W, Keidel M, Pfaffenrath V.  Headache and the cervical spine: A critical review.  Cephalalgia.  1997; 17: 801-16.
  47. Rasmussen BK, Jensen R, Schroll M, Olsen J.  Interactions between migraine and tension type headaches in the general population.  Arch Neurol.  1992; 49: 914-8.
  48. Robertson BA, Morris ME.  The role of cervical dysfunction in migraine: a systematic review.  Cephalalgia.  2008; 28: 474-83.
  49. Sand T, Zwart JA.  The blink reflex in chronic tension-type headache, migraine, and cervicogenic headache.  Cephalalgia.  1994; 14: 447-450.
  50. Serrao M, Rossi P, Parisi L, Perrotta A, Bartolo M, Cardinali P, Amabile G, Pierelli F.  Trigemino-cervical-spinal reflexes in humans.  Clin Neurophysiol.  2003; 114 : 1697-1703.
  51. Serrao M, Perrotta A, Bartolo M, Fiermonte G, Pauri P, Parisi L, Pierelli F.  Enhanced trigemino-cervical-spinal reflex recovery cycle in pain-free migraineurs.  Headache.  2005; 45: 1061-1068.
  52. Simons DG, Travell J, Simons LS.  Myofascial pain and dysfunction: the trigger point manual, Vol. 1, 2nd edn.  Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins 1999.
  53. Tuchin PJ, Scwafer T, Brookes M.  A case study of chronic headaches.  Aust Chiro Osteo.  1996; 5: 47-53.
  54. Tuchin PJ, Bonello R.  Classic migraine or not classic migraine, that is the question.  Aust J Chiropr Osteo.  1996; 5: 66-74.
  55. Tuchin PJ.  The efficacy of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) in the treatment of migraine – a pilot study.   Aust Chiro Osteo.  1997; 6: 41-7.
  56. Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R.  A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraine.  J Manipulative Physio Ther.  2000; 23: 91-95.
  57. Vernon HT.  Spinal manipulation and headache of cervical origin. J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1989; 12: 455-68.
  58. Vernon H, Steiman I, Hagino C.  Cervicogenic dysfunction in muscle contraction headache and migraine: a descriptive study.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther.  1992; 15: 418-29.
  59. Weiller CMay A, Limmroth V, Juptner M, Kaube H, Schayck RV, Coenen HH, Diener HC.  Brain stem activation in spontaneous human migraine attacks.  Nat Med.  1995; 1: 658-660.
  60. Weiss HD, Stern BJ, Goldberg J.  Post-traumatic migraine: chronic migraine precipitated by minor head or neck trauma.  Headache.  1991; 31: 451-6.
  61. Whittingham W.  The efficacy of cervical adjustments (Toggle recoil) for chronic cervicogenic headaches [thesis].  Melbourne, Australia: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology; 1999.
  62. Whittingham W, Nilsson N.  Active range of motion in the cervical spine increases after spinal manipulation (Toggle Recoil).  J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2001; 24: 552-55.
  63. Wight S, Osborne N, Breen AC.  Incidence of ponticulus posterior of the Atlas in migraine and cervicogenic headache.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1999; 22: 15-20.
  64. Winston KR.  Whiplash and its relationship to migraine.  Headache.  1987; 27: 452-57.
  65. Wright A.  Hypoalgesia postmanipulative therapy: A review of the potential neurophysiological mechanisms.  Manual Ther.  1995; 1: 11-16.
  66. Young K, Dharmi M.  The efficacy of cervical manipulation as opposed to pharmacological therapeutics in the treatment of migraine patients.  Transactions of the Consortium for Chiropractic Research.  1987.
  67. Zito G, Jull G, Story I.  Clinical tests of musculoskeletal dysfunction in the diagnosis of cervicogenic headache.  Manual Therapy.   2006; 11: 118-129.

did you know...

that studies have demonstrated clearly the effectiveness of vertebral correction for relieving and curbing headaches.